Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Case For Salt

We've been told for years that too much salt intake causes high blood pressure, fluid retention, swelling, shortness of breath, and can lead to kidney and heart disease, heart attacks, etc.  However, the evidence from recent studies indicates that there is no connection between salt and heart disease.  In fact, reduction of salt intake actually increases the risk of heart failure.  So what's going on?

First of all, we need to understand the important role that salt plays.  There are Four Pillars that every human body requires:  Water, Iodine, proper Nutrition/Diet, and Salt.  Salt is actually the second-most needed compound after water.  The immune system needs it; the hormonal systems (adrenal & thyroid) need it; iodine needs it in order to work.  Salt influences nerve and heart function, blood pressure, blood sugar, brain function, digestive health, reproductive health, bone health (bones contain over 1/4 of the body's salt content), cellular processes,  water content, muscle cramps/tension, electrolytes, sleep, allergies, asthma and sinus issues.  Salt provides two elements which are essential for life, sodium and chloride.  The body cannot produce these on its own, so they must be obtained from the diet.  Salt intake must also be balanced with proper potassium levels.  Proper salt intake is especially important in hot weather or after strenuous workouts to replace nutrients lost through sweating.

Secondly, we need to understand that not all salt is equal.   Studies indicating the harm caused by high sodium diets don't distinguish between natural salt and table salt.  Natural salt is 84% sodium chloride and 16% naturally occurring trace minerals.  Table salt is 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% man-made chemicals.  Table salt is chemically processed, bleached, stripped of its beneficial minerals, dried at very high temperatures which changes its natural chemical structure, and has added anti-caking agents including aluminum, which is linked to Alzheimer's and cancer.  Although iodine may be added, any health benefit is negated.  Chemical table salt is added to almost all processed foods, meats, and snacks, and it is the overconsumption of this salt along with the high levels of refined sugar/fructose also present in processed foods that is linked to health problems.  The food industry has responded to the health concerns by creating waves of low-sodium food products.  However, instead of replacing the sodium with necessary minerals or other healthier alternatives, they substitute MSG or other artificial chemical ingredients to achieve the desired flavor.  "Low-sodium" doesn't equal "healthy."

There are many types of natural unrefined salt available including Himalayan Salt, Celtic Sea Salt, black lava salt, and Real Salt.  Remove the table salt from the table and replace it with natural salt for all seasoning and cooking.  (You could save the table salt for cleaning purposes.)  Avoid processed foods containing high amounts of sodium, and instead consume a diet of whole, raw, fresh foods salted to taste.

Now that you know the benefits...Pass the salt, please!

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