Sunday, February 15, 2015

If Not Chemo, What?

In my last post I lamented the shortcomings of chemotherapy, but I didn't offer any alternative solutions, so I'll address that now.

Chemo, radiation, and drugs treat the symptoms of cancer without addressing the causes of cancer.  They are trying to kill cancer cells without addressing the conditions that are allowing the cancer cells to thrive in the first place.  If that isn't bad enough, chemo and radiation further compound the problem by actually creating more cancer cells.  But what are the alternatives?

I believe the most important step that must be taken when fighting cancer is to change the environment of the body which is allowing the cancer to thrive and proliferate. 

The human body is designed to kill and eliminate harmful cells like cancer cells.  Virtually every human being alive has had cancer cells in the body, but not everyone has cancer.  Why not?  Because the immune system did its job and neutralized the threat before it could take over.  If the immune system is weakened or overrun and unable to do its job, a host of problems can result, including cancer.  It seems obvious that one of the best ways to prevent or fight cancer is to restore the immune system to its highest level, so that it can function the way it's designed.  Chemotherapy, however, is highly counterproductive to this endeavor.  Chemo indiscriminately targets ALL cells of the body, decimating the immune system in the process, and leaving patients in danger of being unable to fight off even common viruses with which healthy people don't usually struggle.  It's not uncommon for cancer patients to die of pneumonia, for instance.  Cancer cannot be defeated without a strong, effective immune system.

Anywhere from 70-90% of the immune system is located in the gut, so if the gut is unhealthy, the immune system is unhealthy.  And what affects the gut more than anything else?  WHAT YOU EAT AND DRINK.  Nutrition is paramount in maintaining a strong immune system, and thus, in preventing and fighting cancer.  The standard American diet is full of highly processed, refined, sugary, chemical-laden "foods" and beverages that contribute to a highly inflammatory, acidic environment in the body.  The immune system's resources can be depleted by constantly trying to counteract the harmful effects of this type of diet, leaving the body vulnerable to any number of health conditions and diseases. 

This is exactly why the very first thing I did after being diagnosed with cancer was to change my diet.  I eliminated grains and processed, refined, sugary foods and started eating only living, real food:  mostly raw, fresh vegetables and fruits, raw organic dairy from healthy cows, and eggs and meat only from pastured healthy animals.  I also focused on foods, herbs, spices, and supplements which contain nutrients that are known to fight or kill cancer cells.

The body is constantly exposed to and bombarded by a vast array of toxins, chemicals, and carcinogens that are in everything from the air we breathe to the health and beauty products we use, medicines, our clothing, building materials, furniture fabrics, flooring, the plastics and metals in which we cook and store our food, food itself, and the water we drink.  It is impossible to avoid exposure to harmful toxins in our modern, civilized society, so the best alternative is to mitigate toxin exposure when we can and provide our bodies with the best environment we can, so it can do its job efficiently and effectively.  This is why I did some detoxing as well as changing my diet.  The human body is designed with its own detoxification systems, too, but again, when those systems are overwhelmed, they can't function properly.  There are countless methods for detoxing and cleansing the body, but not all are equal or harmless, so do your research and seek a professional's advice.

The body is designed to neutralize and eliminate harmful substances and cells.  What we eat and drink provides the fuel for the body.  Just like putting the wrong fuel into an engine can cause malfunction, putting the wrong fuel into the body causes malfunction.  Proper nutrition is fundamental to a healthy body.  Yet most doctors have little to no training in nutrition!  Instead, they are trained to prescribe medications or procedures that address symptoms, but DO NOT ADDRESS THE UNDERLYING CAUSE.  This is equivalent to repairing or replacing damaged parts in an engine without addressing the fact that the damage is being caused by using the wrong fuel.  And this is precisely why chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation are not curing cancer.

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