Saturday, May 24, 2014

There's More Than One Way to Fight Cancer

While doing some online research, I came across the thoughts of someone who said that cancer patients who blindly follow standard medical treatment aren't truly fighting cancer; rather they are passive bystanders.  This bothered me.  While I am one of those who has decided that there are better options than standard medical cancer treatment, I do not agree with this sentiment.  In fact, I find it insensitive.  I don't know how anyone could tell a cancer patient who is actively engaged in using every medical weapon available against their cancer that they're not really fighting. 

In my mind, the only way a cancer patient is "not fighting" the cancer is if they truly ignore the fact that they have cancer, make absolutely no lifestyle changes, seek absolutely no treatment of any kind, and let the cancer take its course.  There are people who choose that path.  But to say that anyone who chooses a treatment path that differs from yours isn't really fighting cancer is ludicrous.  There are many different methods and treatment options, all of which, I believe, qualify as "fighting cancer."

Just because not all cancer patients fight the same way, doesn't mean they aren't all fighting!

Having said that, I do understand that the person who made the comment was trying to get across the importance of not just blindly and passively doing whatever the doctors say.  Doctors don't have all the answers, and, as in most medical issues, there are lots of doctors who disagree among themselves what is best!  Doctors, the medical industry, pharmaceutical companies, and lobbyists on their behalf clearly have their own bottom lines as their foremost motivations rather than individual patient's best interests.  I think most people would agree that the more knowledge one has on a subject, the more effectively one can fight.  I believe it is vital to do one's own research and educate oneself thoroughly in order to make informed, intelligent decisions regarding one's own health.  It is completely unnecessary, and I believe unwise, to blindly and passively accept treatment for any medical condition!

It comes down to each individual cancer patient being convinced and comfortable that the choices made are right for them, and then moving confidently forward with those decisions. 

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