Sunday, April 27, 2014

"Weeds" or Cancer Fighting Herbs?

Rather than relying on chemotherapy drugs, which are toxic to the entire body, to kill cancer cells, why not rely on common herbs that also kill cancer cells without damaging other cells?  Many herbs which are regularly destroyed and regarded as weeds have proven to be lethal to cancer!

Plantain, burdock, red clover, dandelion, yellow dock, violet, and honeysuckle are seven herbs traditionally known and used as cancer preventatives and cancer fighters.  Here is an article specifically about these seven herbs:

Here is another article about dandelion root research actually being funded to study its effect on cancer cells:

More info on dandelions:

Following is a fascinating article and interview by Dr. Mercola with Donald Yance, a highly trained herbalist and nutritionist who also studies current drug therapies.  Throughout the interview, Donald not only discusses herbs and cancer, but also the reasons why traditional drug/chemotherapy methods don't work based on faulty premises and applications and lack of proper research and understanding of individual patients' conditions.

Essiac tea is a blend of four herbs (burdock root, sheep's sorrel, slippery elm, and Indian rhubarb root) based on a recipe used by Native Americans.  I have a book about Essiac tea entitled ESSIAC  A Native Herbal Cancer Remedy by Cynthia Olsen. 

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